Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

I was good for awhile.
But, I can say that about quite
a few things in my life.

I often sit at the keyboard with nothing
to say.
My plan was is to keep myself a little diary.
My problem is that I don't know
what I want to say to myself.
Maybe I don't want to hear it??

I'm spending way too much time
about change.
(This has nothing to do with you, Obama, get over it.)

I've done a lot of changing.
I love mixing it up.
I keep wanting more of the same.

Rarely content.

I'm content in love.
And I love my family,
my whole family.
Everyone up and down the line.
But I think that's it.

I'll trade everything else.
I do care.
I do cherish this and that.
But so be it, if it's gotta be.
I'll survive.

But my family,
they're not on the table.

I must be very lucky
to love like this.

But I drive myself half-crazy most days
thinking about the
what was,
what is,
what's just around the corner.

I re-read and realized just now that I'm way off topic.
I never went where I was going.
I thought seriously about changing the beginning.
But then I changed my mind.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'll admit it...

I love winter.
I love this snow falling.
I love the Christmas music that
seems to sing directly to the snow
begging for more.

I feel like I'm wrapped up
in a big white blanket.

Me, Really?

My first award.
Honest Scrap.
I do enjoy saying it fast.
I'm told that this award is given for
telling it like it is.
I'm also invited/required(?) to
post ten honest things about
myself. Then it's up to me to pass it on to
seven more bloggers who I believe
tell it like it is.

Thank you "Jacqui"!
I'm honored!

10. I'm highly irritated when I see people write "your" where they should have written "you're".
9. I believe there is more than one path to God.

8. I have terrible knees.

7. I would move away from here in a heartbeat to be near my family.

6. I have a terrible feeling I'll be diagnosed with cancer.

5. I too, have an addiction to the internet.

4. I love rock climbing and wish I could lead a 5.10 route.

3. I have never smoked pot, but I really don't mind if you do.

2. I am left handed, unless there are scissors in my hand.

1. I believe in ghosts.

Bonus honesty...I'm glad you read this.

I'll have to edit and add seven bloggers
at a later date. My blog circle is quite
small right now.

Thanks again Jacqui!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Missing: T

I have been MIA for awhile.
This matters to almost noone else.
I'm very ok with that.
I'm only kicking myself because this is
where I store most of my memory.
"Ya" know?

I traveled to the great state of my
creation (as far as I know),

My daughter seems to have inherited my
wanderlust. Sweet. We traveled by car for three weeks,
and she shed less tears in the car than her mother.
Wherever I set up the pack-and-play, she passed out.
She met new people almost every day and never failed
in showing her new friends warmth and kindness.
At just a year and a half, I am amazed by her openness
in every new environment she's
thrown into. I love this about you Bug.

Moments from three wonderful weeks
traveling to the land of 10,000 skatings rinks:

Nebraska at night is a good way to see it.
Negative six degrees is not a warm welcome.
Elmo + mountains = carsick
Meat raffles aren't as fun as I'd hoped.
Grandparents are such a blessing.
Good sushi in MN? why yes!
Next time, I'll just buy the pie.
Sun dogs make my heart flutter.
MN Zoo - not as big as it was when I was small.
Michelob Golden Light
Pond Hockey
Trader Joes, buy the Chuck
The town that drank too much, still does.
Bug will not be allowed to date hockey players.
Sister, Sister-in-law :-)
"Spin for the meat"...must be yelled with gusto.
"I think I threw my back out!" shit.
Everyone is so nice here.
Leaving family behind makes me cry.
Watching snow blow across the highway is a trip.
Again with that Elmo, mountains, vomit thing. Gross.
Unpack the car with some relief, but...

If home is where the heart I lost?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday night prayer


The drive home tomorrow
is making my heart race.

This isn't the best weather
for transporting precious cargo.

Please give me a window
of stillness,
maybe sunshine?
or armour

But not the invisibility cloak-
I don't want to hear
"I didn't even see you."

If I leave Tuesday morning,
I should be home by Noon
on Wednesday.

Safe travels please -
for everyone.
