Monday, February 2, 2009

Maybe 1991? Maybe later?

Another one of my dorky old poems from way back when.
No, it's not about me. It's just made up stuff.
I liked (like) to rhyme and see where it goes.

"I used to care
not today

Across this table
the gap is wide
I hand it back
I stand outside

I wish... I'd yelled
like a mad woman
at the back of your car

You turned around
but strolled on by
Footsteps firm
but knees were shaking
your eyes read apathy
but your soul was quaking

Of course I did
I'm not as kind
as I was as a kid

The news you wanted
was not what arrived
Done being stepped on
...I... say goodbye"


J. Thorp said...

wow, t -- nice work from back in the day!

T said...

Jodi told me you were here. :-)